Wednesday 26 November 2008

Water Aeorobics May Ease Pain in Labour

A new study suggests that water aerobics can help with the pain women go through when giving birth.

The study was led by Rosa Pereira from the University of Capminas in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

For the study, 71 mothers were split into two groups with half doing water aerobics while pregnant, and half not.Researchers then compared how many of them in each group requested pain relief while giving birth.

They found some interesting numbers, as 65% of women who did not do water aerobics ended up requesting pain relief in labour, compared to only 27% of those who did water aerobics three times each week during pregnancy.

Things which were consistent in all of the women included delivery time, size and weight of baby.

The study was published in the Journal of Reproductive Health.

Whether or not they enjoy the water themselves, many parents like to introduce their babies to swimming as early as possible. For safe, hygienic baby swim suits see the Baby etc website

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